The design pressure for systems with glass vessels is generally inversely proportional to the diameter. Our standard glass vessels can be supplied with design pressures of up to 12 bar. For metal vessels, most of our standard versions are rated for up to 60 bar. However with these metal vessels we are able to modify the design in order to increase this further. The result is the Midiclave and Limbo reactors which are capable of 200 bar and 350 bar respectively.
For volumes greater than 5L and/or even higher pressures we offer the Pilotclave which is essentially a custom designed reactor or series of reactors which can be mobile or mounted within a frame.
A third possibility is to select the 200 bar upgrade option of one of our two standard systems, the Versoclave or the Kiloclave. If you see a system but the pressure rating is not high enough please call us.
The following are some high pressure systems or standard ones that can be up graded and also the magnetic stirrer couplings which are supplied with each system but can also be purchased separately.
Tel: +44 (0)1227 710274